Are You An Inspired Creative Who Gets Side-Tracked Easily?  

"Go from Idea to Implementation and
from Potential to Profits By 
Leveraging Your Creative Cycle to 
Make More Money, Get More Done 
& Follow Your Bliss

From the Desk of Marnie Pehrson, 
Creator of

Dear Fellow Entrepreneur:

Do you have tons of ideas for projects, products, and services that could make the world a better place?  Do you get a thrill out of those "aha moments" of life and have an intense desire to share what you've discovered with others? 

Have you ever felt disgusted with yourself when you didn't run with a big idea fast enough and a few months later saw someone else turn the same idea into a screaming success? Have you experienced the exhilaration of a new idea only to have your zest for it wane as it came time to implement all the details to make it happen?

If this describes you, you very well could be an Inspired Creative. Imagine with me for a moment that heaven is raining down ideas -- all kinds of technological, scientific, self-growth, medical, artistic, and spiritual truth. It's all being broadcast across the earth, trusting that someone who resonates with each idea will take action upon it and follow through.  

Everyone has the capability of tapping into this broadcast system. Some people are more receptive to the broadcast than others. Some are more likely to take action then their neighbors.  

There is a small percentage of the population who are almost hardwired to this "channel of ideas." These people love to inspire others with the insights that come to them through their hardwire to inspiration.  

Lisa Rae Preston, the creator of the STEP Into Destiny Test, refers to these folks as Potentials. About 35 percent of the population have either a primary or secondary core passion of Potential. But only 10% of the population are primary Potentials.  

What I refer to as Inspired Creatives (aka Potentials) have so many ideas, they find it almost impossible to pick one. If you ask an Inspired Creative to select his favorite movie, for example, he'd have a hard time doing so. He might find it equally difficult to select only one "best friend." He would never want to narrow the possibilities to just one of anything.  

Inspired Creatives (aka Potentials) are hooked up to heaven's channel of inspiration like a fire hose. They get so many ideas, it would be impossible for one person to implement them all.  

While having a hardwire to inspiration sounds like a wonderful advantage (and it is), there are downsides for the Inspired Creatives of the world.

Have You Fallen into the "All or Nothing Trap?" 

The typical Inspired Creative assumes the immense flow of ideas she has are all for her. She may think every idea that comes along should be followed-through upon. How overwhelming is that? How in the world would she know where to start? And when you encourage the Inspired Creative to "just pick one of those ideas," she feels paralyzed. In choosing one, thousands of others are rejected.  

This makes it difficult for entrepreneurial Inspired Creatives to select a niche. Because they can't select just one, they're difficult to market. They flit from one idea to the next, never laying hold on anything long enough to create a good product funnel or effectively market their expertise.  

Are You a Victim of "The Squirrel Syndrome?"

Did you ever see Disney's Up?  In this movie, the dogs can talk and they are easily distracted. Mid-sentence their heads dart to the side as they holler, "Squirrel!" Inspired Creatives often suffer from chronic Squirrel Syndrome. 

Why is this? Ideas take time to implement. So let's say an Inspired Creative starts an idea, that doesn't mean the storm of ideas has stopped coming for her.  

That's why an Inspired Creative with a project is easily distracted onto something else mid-stream before ever taking her initial idea to completion. Sometimes Inspired Creatives assume they are ADD, when really it's not a physical or chemical malady, but a lack of understanding of how their minds work.  

Do Those Big Ideas Eventually Become Boring to You?

The typical Inspired Creative has a tough time following an idea through to completion because she can become bored with it before it's implemented. This happens for two reasons. First, the Inspired Creative thrives on inspiration. There's a "high" associated with a new idea, and she's like an "inspiration junkie." While the idea is new and fresh, her passion fuels her energy and propels her forward. But once the idea has become old and "stale" she's looking for the next big idea... her next "high."  

Another reason the Inspired Creative becomes bored is that there is a cycle to creativity and one of the phases in it is a Rest phase that feels like  

  • apathy,

  • boredom and

  • a diminished connection to inspiration.

Inspiration doesn't completely cease for these individuals, but it can feel like it's slowed to a trickle. For the Inspired Creative (who is used to a firehose flow) it may as well have ceased.  The withdrawals are intense and can even look like depression!

If an Inspired Creative doesn't successfully launch and implement an idea before reaching the Rest phase, she may abandon the idea completely.  

There Is a Solution!

You CAN Stay Focused, Complete Your Big Ideas,
AND Generate Income from Them!

When an Inspired Creative learns the natural ebbs and flows of her creative cycle, she can work with nature, instead of against it.

  • Imagine the increased passion and energy you'll enjoy when you know you're living your life purpose!

  • Imagine what it would be like to take your big ideas to the finish line and reap the rewards from them!

  • Image what it would be like to know what ideas to pursue and which ones are taking you off task like "Squirrels!"

  • Picture yourself making decisions quickly and easily so you can take advantage of key opportunities as they come up!

If you're an Inspired Creative who would like to work with passion and purpose in a focused direction that fulfills your creativity, I have something special just for you!

"Leverage Your Creative Cycle to Make More Money, Get More Done and Follow Your Bliss"

This course addresses the main challenges inspired creatives bump up against and offers solutions for each:

1) Make the Creative Process Work FOR You. Without understanding the way our minds and bodies work, we succumb to guilt, self-doubt and fear. But when we understand the seasons of the creative process, they can work for us instead of against us. Included in this program are instructional videos and my own personal charts and worksheets that I use to gracefully navigate the Creative Process.

2) Break Through Limiting Beliefs and Barriers and Clear a Path to Success. Sometimes regardless of the creative phase you're in, you're just stuck. You have problems moving from idea to implementation due to self-doubt, insecurities, and indecision. These could be caused by limiting beliefs, debilitating experiences in your past, old programs running in your subconscious mind, even generational issues. That's why I'm including a 1-hour Consult with me where we'll clear a path for you to move forward using cutting edge energy techniques. (Retail: $150)

"Marnie’s creative shift work is amazing! I worked with her as I was making a big shift in my business to step into a bolder passionate message. She helped me to move all those pebbles that were preventing me from shining brightly and confidently in my new message. It’s those subtle, unconscious things that get in your way. Marnie is truly masterful at helping you identify what your pebbles and rocks are. She’s so committed to helping you shift those blocks so you can show up as your most powerful self!" 
          - Laura West,


Bonus #1: Lisa Rae Preston, the creator of the STEP Into Destiny Assessment joins me for a power-packed audio on "Potentials" -- how we think, what motivates us, how to overcome procrastination, and how to make your passion to inspire work for you.


Bonus #2: An exclusive audio interview with acclaimed coach, Laura West, who helps Inspired Creatives build joyful businesses around their passions. In this audio, I pick Laura's brain about what it's like to be a successful inspired creative. We chat about the solutions to common traps Inspired Creatives fall into.


I have set this program up so there's no way to lose - with the kind of cut-to-the-chase information and consulting that helps you take action and make things happen in your business. 

Imagine for a moment, YOU three months from now - all the time and frustration you've avoided, how much farther along you are than this time last year, the profit streams you've set up.  Honestly, what's that worth to you?

The real question here is what's it costing you not to take your ideas to implementation. What's it costing those you could inspire and help while you keep your big ideas trapped inside you?

So, how much money are you losing right now by not staying focused, by not making things happen? By letting your ideas sit on a shelf?

It's time to make things happen!

And right now, for a limited time, you can access this training and support for only $147!

That's a lifetime of focus, clarity and understanding about how to conquer the Squirrel Syndrome, complete your goals, AND become the creator of your own amazing life!

Now you have at your fingertips the exact same knowledge I rely on to help me stay focused and get things done. That's why it's so easy for me to always be moving forward on my life purpose!

I absolutely guarantee if you take action on the cutting-edge information revealed in Leverage Your Creative Cycle, you'll double your investment.  If you don't, you'll get every red cent you paid to me refunded to you, no questions asked.  All I ask is that you prove to me that you've made the effort to take action on my advice and follow through.

The next move is up to you.  I've shown you that the Leverage Your Creative Cycle program is as risk free as an offer can come.  You and I both know if you've read this far in this letter that you're seriously interested in turning your ideas into income.  All that's left to do now is take action

If you've stuck with me this far, my strong hunch is that you're ready to be counted among the Inspired Creatives who are making things happen and impacting the world for the better.  If this is the kind of support you'd like to get your hands on - now you can. 

Take action now, and start Leveraging Your Creative Cycle to Make More Money, Get More Done and Follow Your Bliss!

Only $147

You'll be able to access your order immediately -
no matter what time of day or night!

Please note - this is a digital product along with individual consulting. You will receive the download links immediately upon ordering.  There is no physical product, so no shipping/handling charges! You will also be given my personal contact information to schedule your session with me.

Here's to your success!

Marnie Pehrson