Marnie Marcus

Share Your Story. Educate Your Customers. Create Loyalty.

Lesson 1


- Slide Presentation Notes - PDF
- S.A.M. Journal
- Mission Statement Worksheet from You're Here for a Reason: Discover & Live Your Purpose

Bonus Meditation for Christians

The following 15-minute audio is a meditation I use to come into the presence of God and get answers and insights. I use this type of meditation to co-create my Definite Major Purpose with God.

MP3 File

Lesson 2


- Slide Presentation Notes - PDF
- Affirmations
- Additional Resource: Make the Next 90 Days Your Most Productive Yet
- Daily Chart - Excel File - PDF
- Momentum Circles

Lesson 3


- Slide Presentation Notes - PDF
- Nothing Is Impossible For Those Who Believe - my edition and commentary on Wallace Wattles 1910 Classic, "The Science of Getting Rich."

momentum circlesPlease be sure to share the class with your friends!
To view my presentation on screen, Click here. You will still need to call in to hear! You will be asked to install a small software program. Once it's installed, you should see an icon on the bottom of your monitor that looks like the one to the left. Click that to view my presentation.

This is a FAQ for my conference line if you have questions on dialing in by VOIP or what type of system you need.

Please take a moment to join our Private Facebook Group if you haven't already so you can ask your questions,  share ideas and successes and get feedback from me and the other workshop participants: