Marnie Marcus

Share Your Story. Educate Your Customers. Create Loyalty.

"Transform Audio Nuggets
and Testimonials Into Videos

Have you conducted a telecall (or webinar) and said something powerful that would fit nicely into a video? You'd love to see it go viral on Youtube, Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter, but transforming it into a video is more tech headache than you want to handle.

Or perhaps someone on your telecall gave you a glowing testimonial, and you'd love to put it on your web site, Facebook Page or LinkedIn account.

Delegate that tech headache off your plate. I'll take your 5 minute audio clip, clean it up, transform it into a video, and upload it to Youtube for you.

Here are a few examples:

Example Testimonial Video

Example Telecall Snippet into Video

Your 5 minute audio Transformed Into a Video
for Only $85